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Tennis&acrogym&piano (:
hoooi ik ben Maylin (:
Wij meiden:
Lopen tijdens het tandenpoetsen door het huis. We lezen de shampoo flessen onder de douche. We lachen om onze eigen grappen voordat we ze verteld hebben. We hebben geen horloge nodig, we hebben een mobiel. We kunnen een zin 10x lezen, zonder het te snappen. We duwen tegen deuren waarop met dikke vette letters TREKKEN staat. We vragen "wat??" terwijl we alles verstaan hebben! We haten het, als de wind onze haren door de war blaast. We kijken 10x per dag in de koelkast, zonder iets te eten. We kunnen 10x dezelfde film kijken. We moeten onze mobiel bellen, om hem te vinden. We kunnen op de klok kijken, zonder daarna te weten hoe laat het is. We staan in de supermarkt voor de koeling, en weten niet meer wat we gingen kopen. We draaien ons hoofdkussen om, zodat we op de koele kant kunnen liggen. We zetten onze wekker eerder, om langer te kunnen blijven liggen. Als we ’s avonds naar bed gaan, tellen we hoeveel uur we nog kunnen slapen.
Zet dit ook je profiel als je dit ook voor jou geldt!
That awkward moment when you're walking down the stairs and think there's another step and you hulk stomp the ground.
"We're gonna stay up all night!" "HELL YEAH!" 2 hours later: "Dude, I'm tired."
"Hey your phone's ringing." ... "Yeah, phones do that."
The first five days after the weekend are always the toughest
In scary movies, the person yells out, "Hello?" As if the bad guy is going to be like, "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?"
The awkward moment when you walk out of your bedroom in your pajamas and there's a guest in your house.
"I can't eat anymmore, I'm full!" Do you want any dessert?" "YESSS!"
I erase my entire password if I think I've mistyped 1 letter.
I don't understand how Super Mario can smash blocks with his head but dies when he touches a turtle!
The feeling you get when you finally understand something in math class..
8 year olds today have Facebook, twitter, iPhones & iPods. When I was 8, I had a coloring book, crayons and imagination.
Dear best friends, remember that when you fall, I'll pick you up. But just after I finish laughing.
That annoying moment when your friends are whispering in front of you.
My life will not be complete untill I've walked away from an explosion in slow motion.
I've always wanted to turn around in a big chair saying: "I've been expecting you..."
Well, I'm bored... Time to check the fridge.
"Teacher I have a question" *bell rings* ... Uhh, nevermind BYE BITCHES!
Teacher: "The test is very easy." Me: "Sure it is, you already know the answers. -.-"
I think that school and microwave minutes are longer tan regular minutes.
Teacher: "Whoever answers my next question can go home." *Boy throws bag at teacher* Teacher: "Who threw that!?" Boy: "Me! I'm going home!"
*Day before test* "Whatever, I don't need to study, I got this" *Day of the test* "Why do I do this to myself?!"
Dear stomach, you're bored, not hungry. So shut up, please.
When the teacher is talking to the whole class, but she chooses to stare directly at you.
The fake smile you give when you don't get the joke.
Me: "Yes mom, I did what you wanted me to do" *Quietly does it before she finds out I didn't*
That annoying moment when you accidentally close the wrong tab.
"I will NOT forget... I will NOT forget..." *next day* "So.. did you bring it?" "Shhiiiiitt, (._.)
In school when you and your friend would pretend to sharpen your pencils to have a chat at the trash bin.
Having those weird conversations with your friends and thinking, if anyone heard us right now they'd think we're crazy.
"Hi, Can I help you?" "No, I just waited in line for 15 minutes to say nice shoes"
Fact: Not all goodbyes are sad. Example: Goodbye, school.
Study for 10 minutes. Reward yourself with 3 hours of pointless internet use because you made it that far.
"Eat and sleep!" That's what I really wanna do.
I raise my hand to answer easy questions, so the teacher won't bother me with the hard ones later.
Admit it. when you were really little, you felt like a rebel for watching "older kids shows" on Nickelodeon and Disney.
When I play a fighting game, I press random buttons and hope for the best.
When I'm on the phone with someone, I tend to walk around my room alot...
Saying: "Good times, good times..." after remembering something fun.
That awkward moment when you try to scare somebody & it doesn't work.
Teacher: "Back in the days, we didn't have internet. " Me: "Well that's just too bad for you"
Mario: "What doesn't kill you makes you smaller."
That annoying moment, when you're behind a slow walker & there's no way around them.
Wij meiden:
Lopen tijdens het tandenpoetsen door het huis. We lezen de shampoo flessen onder de douche. We lachen om onze eigen grappen voordat we ze verteld hebben. We hebben geen horloge nodig, we hebben een mobiel. We kunnen een zin 10x lezen, zonder het te snappen. We duwen tegen deuren waarop met dikke vette letters TREKKEN staat. We vragen "wat??" terwijl we alles verstaan hebben! We haten het, als de wind onze haren door de war blaast. We kijken 10x per dag in de koelkast, zonder iets te eten. We kunnen 10x dezelfde film kijken. We moeten onze mobiel bellen, om hem te vinden. We kunnen op de klok kijken, zonder daarna te weten hoe laat het is. We staan in de supermarkt voor de koeling, en weten niet meer wat we gingen kopen. We draaien ons hoofdkussen om, zodat we op de koele kant kunnen liggen. We zetten onze wekker eerder, om langer te kunnen blijven liggen. Als we ’s avonds naar bed gaan, tellen we hoeveel uur we nog kunnen slapen.
Zet dit ook je profiel als je dit ook voor jou geldt!
That awkward moment when you're walking down the stairs and think there's another step and you hulk stomp the ground.
"We're gonna stay up all night!" "HELL YEAH!" 2 hours later: "Dude, I'm tired."
"Hey your phone's ringing." ... "Yeah, phones do that."
The first five days after the weekend are always the toughest
In scary movies, the person yells out, "Hello?" As if the bad guy is going to be like, "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?"
The awkward moment when you walk out of your bedroom in your pajamas and there's a guest in your house.
"I can't eat anymmore, I'm full!" Do you want any dessert?" "YESSS!"
I erase my entire password if I think I've mistyped 1 letter.
I don't understand how Super Mario can smash blocks with his head but dies when he touches a turtle!
The feeling you get when you finally understand something in math class..
8 year olds today have Facebook, twitter, iPhones & iPods. When I was 8, I had a coloring book, crayons and imagination.
Dear best friends, remember that when you fall, I'll pick you up. But just after I finish laughing.
That annoying moment when your friends are whispering in front of you.
My life will not be complete untill I've walked away from an explosion in slow motion.
I've always wanted to turn around in a big chair saying: "I've been expecting you..."
Well, I'm bored... Time to check the fridge.
"Teacher I have a question" *bell rings* ... Uhh, nevermind BYE BITCHES!
Teacher: "The test is very easy." Me: "Sure it is, you already know the answers. -.-"
I think that school and microwave minutes are longer tan regular minutes.
Teacher: "Whoever answers my next question can go home." *Boy throws bag at teacher* Teacher: "Who threw that!?" Boy: "Me! I'm going home!"
*Day before test* "Whatever, I don't need to study, I got this" *Day of the test* "Why do I do this to myself?!"
Dear stomach, you're bored, not hungry. So shut up, please.
When the teacher is talking to the whole class, but she chooses to stare directly at you.
The fake smile you give when you don't get the joke.
Me: "Yes mom, I did what you wanted me to do" *Quietly does it before she finds out I didn't*
That annoying moment when you accidentally close the wrong tab.
"I will NOT forget... I will NOT forget..." *next day* "So.. did you bring it?" "Shhiiiiitt, (._.)
In school when you and your friend would pretend to sharpen your pencils to have a chat at the trash bin.
Having those weird conversations with your friends and thinking, if anyone heard us right now they'd think we're crazy.
"Hi, Can I help you?" "No, I just waited in line for 15 minutes to say nice shoes"
Fact: Not all goodbyes are sad. Example: Goodbye, school.
Study for 10 minutes. Reward yourself with 3 hours of pointless internet use because you made it that far.
"Eat and sleep!" That's what I really wanna do.
I raise my hand to answer easy questions, so the teacher won't bother me with the hard ones later.
Admit it. when you were really little, you felt like a rebel for watching "older kids shows" on Nickelodeon and Disney.
When I play a fighting game, I press random buttons and hope for the best.
When I'm on the phone with someone, I tend to walk around my room alot...
Saying: "Good times, good times..." after remembering something fun.
That awkward moment when you try to scare somebody & it doesn't work.
Teacher: "Back in the days, we didn't have internet. " Me: "Well that's just too bad for you"
Mario: "What doesn't kill you makes you smaller."
That annoying moment, when you're behind a slow walker & there's no way around them.


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Je profiel is echt awesome Lucky-chan!!!
1 decennium geledenHaha graag gedaan hoor. (bloos)
1 decennium geledenBedankt trouwens, voor het maken van m'n quizzen!
hey, bedankt voor t doen van al mijn quizen en alle reacties:)
1 decennium geleden(ik viel haast van mijn stoel toen ik mijn inbox zag
Ja ikxweet het: het is een bizarre quiz maar we moesten voor een quizenwedstrijd iets met actualiteit ddoen iets wat je bezighoudt en afgelopen week heeft een vrouw haar kind gewurgt, in stukken gesneden en in de diepvriezer gestopt en dus dacht , waarom maak ik zo geen quiz want ik ha echt geen inspiratie
1 decennium geledenGeeft niet, ik reageerde ook wel een beetje dramatisch
1 decennium geleden